Why I Build Caskets

Thank you for signing up for the fiddlehead casket company newsletter! Since launching our flat packed kits in early 2018 we have received inquiries, interest and orders from across Canada and the United States. People have clearly been waiting for an alternative to the standard funeral home offerings. I thought I would start the newsletters off by answering a question that is frequently asked: How did you get into making caskets?

casket makerA couple years back a family member was closely involved in planning funerals for both her father and an uncle who died within about 6 months of each other. Her father was a very natural, back to the earth kind of man. He had been organic gardening and eating since the 70's, way ahead of the current trend. When he died the family was faced with selecting a casket from the funeral home. The problem was that nothing there felt like it represented him. Highly polished, ornate hardwood caskets were the standard. A less ornate product was available but it was made from particleboard covered in velour fabric and the look was unappealing. Pressed for time they picked the best fit available, the least expensive hardwood casket. After things were taken care of she told me about the dilemma she and her family faced. Why was there no natural, simple-looking casket available? She told me I should make something better. As a Red Seal Cabinetmaker this was within my skill-set but I wasn't sure if the funeral industry was one that I wanted to be a part of.

Within a year, her uncle passed away. Again the family was faced with a difficult choice, this one financial. Do they pick the unappealing casket they can afford or go in debt to pick a casket they feel is respectable to honour the man who had died? Again, there seemed to be no choice that everyone could feel good about. Again, she told me about the family's problem and asked why there was no affordable option that looked presentable. I started researching the business case and in the Spring of 2016 launched fiddlehead casket company. As we approach our second anniversary we are changing the way people plan for funerals by empowering them to choose a casket that aligns with their values and have it shipped to their door. Being able to assemble the kit themselves also gives people a meaningful way to contribute to the funeral proceedings.
Now you know what brought me here. What has brought you? I'd be honoured to hear your story. As always, if you have any questions about caskets or urns, I'll do my best to help.


Jeremy Burrill
Lead Craftsman


  • I am a Undertaker in the States.And in the time honor manner of my profession,most undertakers were cabinet makers before becoming Undertaker. Your profession is honorable and well needed! I remain with Humility and respect. Peter Rybowicz

    Peter Rybowicz
  • As one who ties to live in a way that honours the Earth, and as a Palliative Care nurse, I absolutely love your idea! Well done.

    Lisa Theriault

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